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Rick Bass, Missoula: A Perfect Mix of Town and Country

Link: Rick Bass, Missoula: A Perfect Mix of Town and Country
  • Print: Essay
Bass' article profiles the city of Missoula, Montana.

Christopher Hitchens, Last Call, Bohemia

Link: Christopher Hitchens, Last Call, Bohemia
  • Print: Essay
This Vanity Fair essay discusses the role bohemias play in impacting a culture/city.

Steven Levy, Steve Jobs, 1955-2011

Link: Steve Jobs, 1955-2011
  • Print: Essay, Eulogy
Levy's Wired article eulogizes Apple founder Steve Jobs. He discusses Jobs' personal and professional biography, as well as his legacy.

David Quarmmen, Being Jane Goodall

Link: David Quarmmen, Being Jane Goodall
  • Print: Essay, Biography
Quarmmen's National Geographic article reflects on the life and impact of Jane Goodall.

Alien and Sedition Acts

Link: Alien and Sedition Acts
  • Print: Primary Source Text
Approved 1798.

Bill of Rights

Link: Bill of Rights
  • Print: Primary Source Text
Created 1789.

Brown Vs Board of Education

Link: Brown Vs. Board of Education
  • Print: Primary Source Text
Decided 1954.

George Bush, Address to the Nation on Sept 11, 2001

Link (print): George Bush, Address to the Nation on Sept 11, 2001
Link (video): George Bush, Address to the Nation on Sept 11, 2011
  • Print: Speech Transcript
  • Video: Speech 
Given 2001.


Link: Constitution
  • Print: Primary Source Text
Adopted 1787

Declaration of Independence

Link: Declaration of Independence
  • Print: Primary Source Text
Published 1776.

John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address

Link (print): John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address
Link (video): John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address
  • Print: Speech Transcript
  • Video: Speech 
Given 1961.

Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address

Link: Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address
  • Print: Speech Transcript
Given 1863

Voting Rights Act

Link: Voting Rights Act
  • Print: Primary Source Text
 Published 1965.

Raymond Carver, The Art of Fiction No. 76

Link: Raymond Carver, The Art of Fiction No. 76
  • Print: Essay, Interview
This Paris Review Interview, conducted by Mona Simpson and Lewis Buzbee, explores Raymond Carver's writing life.

Creative Writing Prompts

Link: Creative Writing Prompts
  • Website
This website, named one of Writer's Digest's top 101 sites for writers, offers hundreds of unique prompts for any writer.

Arianna Huffington, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Link: Arianna Huffington, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
  • Video: Interview
Huffington Post creator Arianna Huffington discusses her passion for blogging on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Brian Klems, 25 Ways To Improve Your Writing In 30 Minutes A Day

Link: Brian Klems, 25 Ways to Improve Your Writing In 30 Minutes A Day
  • Print: Essay
Klems' Writer's Digest contribution gathers five professional authors' keys to writing better--one technique at a time.

Stephen King, The Art of Fiction No. 189

Link: Stephen King, The Art of Fiction No. 189
  • Print: Essay, Interview
This Paris Review interview, conducted by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt & Nathaniel Rich, explores Stephen King's (famed novelist) writing process.

Arthur Krystal, When Writers Speak

Link: Arthur Krystal, When Writers Speak
  • Print: Essay
Krystal's NY Times essay addresses the difference between writers writing and writers speaking.

The Onion, "Fifth-Grade Science Paper Does Not Stand Up To Peer Review

Link: The Onion "Fifth-Grade Science Paper Does Not Stand Up To Peer Review
  • Print: Essay
This article, from the faux newspaper The Onion, satirically addresses a peer-review session in a fifth grade class.