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Student Development (SDV)

24hrs in a Day

  • The exercise works in collaboration Time Diary (or independently). The exercise asks students to find credible sources that highlight the "right" amount of time we should allocate to our daily life activities. The students then juxtapose this "ideal" number with the results of their time journal. 

 Cornell System of Note Making
  • The link/pdf, courtesy of Florida State University, provides background and context about the Cornell note taking strategy.  The document also includes a concrete example of the strategy in use.
Healthy Numbers

  • The exercise facilitates credible research on health and wellness. Students are asked to use [only] numbers and facts to develop a health related argument. 

Me Bag
  • The "Me Bag" is a class identity designed to strengthen the bond between the academic community.  The exercise gives students a platform to share their identity.
Plagiarism Scenarios
  •  The following activity includes a range of realistic, hypothetical instances of plagiarism.  Students are asked to predict, with the context of instructors' plagiarism guidelines, the repercussions for each act. 
Time & Budget Diary
  • This diary exercise helps students become aware of time and budget management.  
Who Is At Fault?
  • The following hypothetical situation looks at evaluating and ranking responsibility for a failing grade.